
Half day workshop on the topic of 'Cyber Insurance' was held on February 27, 2025. The workshop was conducted by Mr. Farrukh Khan

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Half day workshop on the topic of 'Property and Business Interruption Underwriting and Risk Fundamentals Analysis' was held on February 19, 2025. The workshop was conducted by Mr. Nabeel Turabi

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Half day workshop on the topic of 'Changing Environment of Auto Insurance and Modern World Dynamics' was held on January 23, 2025. The workshop was conducted by Mr. Muhammad Waqas

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Half day workshop on the topic of Overview of General Insurance Operations' was held on January 9, 2025. The workshop was conducted by Mr. Ather Rahat Siddiqui

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Half day workshop on the topic of Understanding Fundamental Liability was held on December 23, 2024. The workshop was conducted by Ms. Fatima Bano

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Two days workshop on the topic of 'Advanced MS Excel Business Intelligence with Data Visualization' was held on October 29-30, 2024.

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Half day workshop on the topic of 'Claims Management' was held on October 22, 2024.

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Half day workshop on the topic of 'Application of Loss Estimation Techniques In Engineering & Property Underwriting' was held on November 27, 2024.

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Half day workshop on the topic of 'Understanding Marine Insurance' was held on November 19, 2024.

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Half day workshop on the topic of Smart Recruitment and Retention Approaches for an Improved Workplace Experience' was held on November 13, 2024.

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Two days workshop on the topic of 'Advanced MS Excel Business Intelligence with Data Visualization' was held on October 29-30, 2024.

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Half day workshop on the topic of 'Claims Management' was held on October 22, 2024.

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Half day workshop on the topic of 'Time Management' was held on August 27, 2024. The workshop was conducted by Mr. Ather Rahat Siddiqui, Executive Director (PII)

Mr. Ather Rahat Siddiqui
Mr. Ather Rahat Siddiqui
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Half day workshop on the topic of Advanced MS Excel Business Intelligence with Data Visualization' was held on August 15-16, 2024.

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Half day workshop on the topic of 'Property Insurance - Discussions on Major Factors Affecting the Risk' was held on August 8, 2024. Capt. Azhar Ehtesham Ahmed was invited to conduct the workshop.

Flyer Property Insurance
Capt. Azhar Ehtasham Ahmed

Half day workshop on the topic of 'Risk Revolution: Navigate, Mitigate & Dominate' was held on July 23, 2024. The workshop was conducted by Mr. Khizr Hasan

Presentation Mr. Khizr Hassan
Flyer for Cyber Insurance
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Half day workshop on the topic of 'Risk Revolution: Navigate, Mitigate & Dominate' was held on July 19, 2024. The workshop was conducted by Mr. Karim Merchant

Presentation Mr. Karim Merchant
Flyer for Risk Revolution
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Half day workshop on the topic of ' Geo Political Risk Assessment and its Impact on Marine Insurance & Marine Cargo Insurance, Understanding the Underwriting and Claims' was held on June 27, 2024 at the premises of the Pakistan Insurance Institute. Lt. Col. Rizwan Ahmed, TI(M) and Capt. Azhar Ehtesham Ahmed was invited to conduct the workshop.

Presentation Lt. Col. Rizwan Ahmed
Presentation Capt. Azhar Ehtesham
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Half day workshop on the topic of 'Claims Management' was held on June 4, 2024 at the premises of the Pakistan Insurance Institute. Mr. Mansoor Ali Khan was invited to conduct the workshop.

Mr. Mansoor Ali Khan
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Half day workshop on the topic of ' Basis of Risk Management' was held on May 10, 2024 at the premises of the Pakistan Insurance Institute. Mr. Karim Merchant, BE(Mech), ACII, CITIP, Senior Executive Vice President, EFU General Insurance Ltd. was invited to conduct the workshop.

Mr. Karim Merchant, Senior Executive Vice President
Mr. Karim Merchant, Senior Executive Vice President
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Half day workshop on the topic of 'Understanding Reinsurance' was held on February 15, 2024 at the premises of the Pakistan Insurance Institute. Mr. Darius Hormusji Sidhwa, Ex. Executive Director HR & Reinsurance, EFU General Insurance Ltd was invited to conduct the workshop.

Understanding Reinsurance
Mr. D.H. Sidhwa, Ex. Executive Director HR & Reinsurance

Half day workshop on the topic of ' Advance Business Interruption Insurance - Application & Market Practice' was held on January 30, 2024 at the premises of the Pakistan Insurance Institute. Mr. Ahsan Jamal, ACII MIIRSM ARM MIE PE, Chief Technical Officer, Unique Insurance Brokers was invited to conduct the workshop.

Advance Business Interruption
Mr. Ahsan Jamal, Chief Technical Officer
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Half day workshop on the topic of 'Industrial All Risk Insurance' was held on January 23, 2024 at the premises of the Pakistan Insurance Institute. Capt. Azhar Ehtesham Ahmed, Chief Executive Officer, M-Liberty Insurance Brokers was invited to conduct the workshop.

Capt. Azhar Ehtasham Ahmed, Chief Executive Officer
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Half day seminar on the topic of ' Insurance Awareness' was held on January 16, 2024 at the premises of the NED University Auditorium Hall Karachi. The seminar was conducted by Mr. Khalid Hamid, Chairman PII / CEO National Insurance Company.

Insurance Awareness
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A half day workshop on the topic of sales Supervision and Motivation was held on November 11, 2023 at the premises of the State Life Insurance Corporation Karachi. The workshop was conducted by Mr. Ather Rahat Siddiqui, Executive Director (PII)

Mr. Ather Rahat Siddiqui, Executive Director PII
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A half day workshop on the topic of Train the Trainers Program was held on September 27, 2023 at the Nine Tree Hotel Lahore. The workshop was conducted by Mr. Ather Rahat Siddiqui, Executive Director (PII)

Mr. Ather Rahat Siddiqui, Executive Director, PII
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A half day workshop on Industrial All Risk Insurance was held in Karachi on December 16, 2023 at the premises of the Pakistan Reinsurance Company Ltd. The workshop was conducted by Mr. Capt. Azhar Ehtesham Ahmed Chief Executive Officer, M-Liberty Insurance Brokers.

Capt. Azhar Ehtesham Ahmed Chief Executive Officer
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A half day workshop on the topic of Understanding Takaful was held on December 7, 2023 at the premises of NIC Building Training Hall Karachi. The workshop was conducted by Mufti Muhammad Shakir Siddiqui

Mr. Mufti Muhammad Shakir Siddiqui
Understanding Takaful
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Half day workshop on the topic of Mastering The Art of Productivity was held on November 4, 2023 at the premises of the Habib Insurance Company Limited Karachi. The workshop was conducted by Mr. Ather Rahat Siddiqui, Executive Director (PII)

Mastering The Art of Productivity
Mr. Ather Rahat Siddiqui Executive Director
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A half day workshop on the topic of Introduction to Insurance was held on October 24, 2023 at the premises of the NIC Building Training Hall Karachi. The workshop was conducted by Mr. Ather Rahat Siddiqui, Executive Director (PII)

Mr. Ather Rahat Siddiqui Executive Director
Introduction to Geneal Insurance
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A half day workshop on the topic of Demystifying Business Interruption Insurance Workshop was held on October 27, 2023 at NIC Training Hall, NIC Building Karachi Mr. Ahsan Jamal ACII MIIRSM ARM MIE PE Chief Technical Officer Unique Insurance Brokers.

Demystifying Business Interruption Insurance
Mr. Ahsan Jamal Chief Technical Officer
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Creditors and investors, as well as managers, use financial statement analysis to judge the past performance and current position of a Company. In this way they also judge its future potential and the risk associated with it. Creditors use the information gained from their analysis to make reliable loans that will be repaid with interest. Investors use the information to make investments that provide are turn that is worth the risk

Introduction to Finance for Insurance Professionals
Presentation by Mr. M. Iqbal Lalani Faculty PII
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Creditors and investors, as well as managers, use financial statement analysis to judge the past performance and current position of a Company. In this way they also judge its future potential and the risk associated with it.

Personal Effectiveness
Presentation by Mr. Raza Rizvi Head of Training & Development - EFU Life Assurance
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Half day workshop on the topic of Reinsurance was held on September 3-4, 2019 at the premises of Pakistan Insurance Institute. Mr. D.H. Sidhwa, Executive Director, EFU General Insurance Ltd. was invited to conduct the workshop.

Reinsurance Flyer
Presentation by Mr. D.H. Sidhwa, Executive Director, EFU General Insurance Ltd
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Half day workshop on the topic of Risk Assessment - Property & Business Interruption was held on August 7, 2019 at Movenpick Hotel, Karachi. Mr. Ahsan Jamal, Senior Risk Engineer , Unique Insurance Brokers was invited to conduct the workshop.

Risk Assessment - Property & Business Interruption
Presentation by Mr. Ahsan Jamal, Unique Insurance Brokers
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A full day workshop on the topic of Internal Audit was held on September 25, 2019 at Movenpick Hotel, Karachi covering both General and Life Insurance Companies. Mr. Muhammad Abbas, Head of Internal Audit EFU Life Assurance Limited presented the internal audit process of Life insurance companies whereas Mr. Nawaid Jamal, CFO Jubilee General Insurance presented the internal audit process of General Insurance Companies.

Internal Audit
Presentation by Mr. Nawaid Jamal CFO - Jubilee General Insurance
Presentation by Mr. Mohammad Abbas Head of Internal Audit - EFU Life Assurance Ltd
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Half day Workshop on the topic of Cyber Security and Cyber Risk Insurance Fundamentals was held on July 16, 2019 at Movenpick Hotel, Karachi. Syed Abdul Qadir, Director, Technology Consulting & Risk Assurance, A. F. Ferguson & Co. Ltd, , Head of FI & Bonds, Jubilee General Insurance Ltd, and Mr. Nabeel Turabi, Property & Casualty Manager, Chubb Insurance Pakistan were invited to conduct the workshop.

Mr. Uzair Mirza
Mr. Nabeel Turabi
Mr. Syed Abdul Qadir
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Half day workshop on the topic of Compliance Regulatory Framework - AML, CTF was held on April 3, 2019 and June 25, 2019 at Movenpick Hotel, Karachi. Mr. Raza Rizvi, Head of Training & Development & Mr. Abbas Hussain, Head of Compliance, EFU Life Assurance Ltd were invited to conduct the workshop.

Compliance Regulatory Framework
Presentation by Mr. Raza Rizvi, Head of Training and Development, EFU Life Assurance Ltd.
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Half day workshop on the topic of Understanding Bulk Cargo Insurance was held on March 27 and April 3, 2019 at the premises of the Pakistan Insurance Institute. Capt. Azhar Ehtesham Ahmed, Executive Director, Alfalah Insurance Company Ltd. was invited to conduct the workshops.

Understanding Bulk Cargo Insurance
Presentation by Capt. Azhar Ehtesham Ahmed, Executive Director, Alfalah Insurance Company Ltd.
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Half day workshop on the topic of Property & Business Interruption - Underwriting & Claims was held on March 6, 2019 at the premises of Movenpick Hotel, Karachi. Mr. Azfar Arshad, EVP & Head of Operations, Jubilee General Insurance Ltd, Mr. Nabeel Turabi, Property & Casualty Manager, Chubb Insurance Pakistan, and Mr. Hasnain Nanjee, Director, Iqbal Nanjee & Co. (Pvt.) Ltd were invited to conduct the workshop. 

Property Business Interruption Underwriting - Claims
Presentation by Mr. Azfar Arshad, EVP & Head of Operations, Jubilee General Insurance Ltd
Presentation by Mr. Nabeel Turabi, Property & Casualty Manager, Chubb Insurance Pakistan
Presentation by Mr. Hasnain Nanjee, Director, Iqbal Nanjee & Co. (Pvt.) Ltd.
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A Half day workshop on Interpersonal Communication Skills was held on February 19, 2019 at the Movenpick Hotel, Karachi Ms. Arshi Ahmed Aziz, a reputed training consultant and Lead Trainer at Institute of Training and Consultancy (ITC) conducted the workshop.

Interpersonal Communication Skills
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Karachi Insurance Institute organized a half-day workshop on Specialty Lines on October 16, 2018 at the Movenpick Hotel Karachi and invited Mr. Ram Garg CFA, MBA Deputy General Manager JB Boda & Co (s) Pte Ltd. as speaker on the following topics:

BBB - Fidelity & Computer Crime
Cyber Risk & Insurance Global Risk & Pakistan Perspective
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A half day workshop on Effective Communication was held in Karachi on September 5, 2018 at the premises of the Pakistan Insurance Institute. The workshop was conducted by Mr. Furqan Ahmed Head of Training – Bancassurance EFU life Assurance Ltd. The workshop was very interactive and well received by the participants.

Effective Communication
Presentation by Mr. Furqan Ahmed Head of Training – Bancassurance EFU life Assurance Ltd.
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Half day workshop on the topic of Bancassurance was held on July 19, 2018 at the Premises of the Pakistan Insurance Institute. Mr. Furqan Ahmed, Head of Training - Bancassurance, EFU Life Assurance Ltd was invited to conduct the workshop.

Presentation by Mr. Furqan Ahmed, Head of Training - Bancassurance, EFU Life Assurance Ltd.
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Half day workshop on the topic of Project Insurance Underwriting & Claims was held on May 15, 2018 at the premises of the Pakistan Insurance Institute. Mr. Karim Merchant, Executive Vice President, Jubilee General Insurance Ltd, and Mr. Mansoor Ali Khan, General Manager, Hamid Mukhtar & Co were invited to conduct the workshop.

Project Insurance Underwriting & Claims
Presentation by Mr. Karim Merchant, Executive Vice President, Jubilee General Insurance
Presentation by Mr. Mansoor Ali Khan, General Manager, Hamid Mukhtar & Company
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Half day workshop on the topic of Reinsurance was held on March 28 and April 26, 2018 at the premises of the Pakistan Insurance Institute. Mr. D.H. Sidhwa, Executive Director, EFU General Insurance Ltd. was invited to conduct the workshop.

Presentation by Mr. D.H. Sidhwa, Executive Director, EFU General Insurance Ltd.
Reinsurance March 28,2018
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Half day workshop on the topic of Property Insurance-Risk Quality Assessment was held on April 12, 2018 at the premises of the Pakistan Insurance Institute. Mr. Abdul Sattar Qaimkhani, Head of Risk Management, Adamjee Insurance Company Ltd. was invited to conduct the workshop.

Engr. Abdul Sattar Qaimkhani, HOD Risk Management Department, Adamjee Insurance Co. Ltd. (1)
Flyer Property Insurance-Risk Quality Assessment
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Half day workshop on Property Insurance - Risk Quality Assessment was held on August 23, 2017 at the premises of the Pakistan Insurance Institute. Mr. Abdul Sattar Qaimkhani, Head of Risk Management, Adamjee Insurance Company Ltd was invited to conduct the workshop.

Presentation by Mr. Abdul-Sattar Qaimkhani, HOD - Risk Management Department, Adamjee Insurance Co. Ltd.
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Half day workshop on Effective Communication was held on July 27, 2017 at the premises of the Pakistan Insurance Institute. Mr. Raza Rizvi, Head of Training & development, EFU Life Assurance Ltd was invited to conduct the workshop.

Presentation by Mr. Raza-Rizvi, Head of Training & Development, EFU Life Assurance Ltd.
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Karachi Insurance Institute organized a half day workshop on Financial Lines on March 14, 2017 at the Movenpick Hotel Karachi and invited Mr. Ram Garg CFA, MBA Deputy General Manager JB Boda & Co(s) PTE Ltd. as speaker on the following four topics:

Cyber Security & Insurance Solution
Financial & Casualty Line
Management Liability
Product Liability Insurance
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Half day workshop on Project Insurance was held on November 17, 2016 at the premises of the Pakistan Insurance Institute. Mr. Karim Merchant, Executive Vice President, Jubilee General Insurance Ltd., and Mr. Ahsan Jamal, Risk Engineer, Unique Insurance Brokers (Pvt.) Ltd were invited to conduct the workshop.

Presentation by Mr. Ahsan-Jamal, Risk Engineer, Unique Insurance Brokers
Presentation by Mr. Karim-Merchant, EVP, Jubilee General Insurance
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A half day workshop on Knowledge Skills & Attitude was held in Karachi on August 30, 2016 at the premises of the Pakistan Insurance Institute. The workshop was conducted by Mr. Raza Rizvi, Head of Training & Development, EFU Life Assurance Ltd. The workshop was very interactive and well received by the participants.

Presentation by Mr. Raza Rizvi, Head of Training & Development, EFU Life Assurance Ltd. (1)
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Half day workshop on Underwriting Medical & Finance was held on March 29, 2016 at the premises of the Pakistan Insurance Institute. Dr Asad Ul Hadi, Senior Underwriting Consultant, and Mr. Ameer Abbas Mir Muhammadi, Underwriting Manager, EFU Life Assurance Ltd were invited to conduct the workshop.

Presentation by Dr Asad Ul Hadi, Senior Underwriting Consultant & Mr. Ameer Abbas , Underwriting Manager, EFU Life Assurance Ltd
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